Athletic Equity Work info

Michigan Athletic Equity Q & A : is a question and answer document in regards to athletic gender equity in schools.

The Michigan School Organization’s That Could Facilitate Equality, if pushed - We need to be our Partners for equality (MHSAA, MDOE, Local District and MASB).

MAEW Bulletin Board is an informational bulletin board listing Michigan athletic equity projects.

Sources of Title IX Education & Training various sources to acquire an understanding of what the Title IX law expects and ways to make sure it is being addressed where you live.

United States Department Of Education, Office of Civil Rights is where you could file a complaint against your school under Title IX, to remedy gender discrimination. Michigan Title IX complaints are processed by the US DOE Cleveland office, 216-522-4970.

Communities For Equity (CFE) is a volunteer advocacy organization that served as a voice for Michigan female athletes starting in 1993. CFE was particularly successful in dealing with local school districts on individual equity issues between it's origination and the conclusion of the 2001 CFE v the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA). It became evident that many discriminatory actions were the result of female athletes playing in non traditional sports seasons. The MHSAA, ignored CFE informal interventions and even the intervention by the Kent Intermediate School District (KISD), who were asking the MHSAA to provide equitable schedules for female athletes. See the web page "CFE v MHSAA 1998 - 2007" for details.

Female Alumni Athletic Boosters (FAAB of Wyandotte) is an example of a {501(c)(3)} high school booster group for girls, created to equalize booster dollars to girls.

Michigan Department of Civil Rights is where you could file a complaint against your school or City under The Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act #453, Public Acts of 1976, as amended, to remedy gender discrimination.