About US


The Michigan Gender Equity Team is a group of organizations acting as a catalyst to achieve gender equity, at home, at school and, at work. For more than fifteen years, we have been working hard to propose changes in the education structure, labor laws, and virtually all areas that we can penetrate. All organizations form in an effort to bring together a group of like thinking individuals, who want to maximize efforts, to achieve common objectives. All effective organizations require a high level of involvement by individuals, as a prerequisite to their group success. Your personal involvement is required to achieve gender-fair treatment at home, school and work.


The Michigan Gender Equity Team aims to achieve gender equity at home, in school, and at work. Hence, we exert our efforts to propose changes in the current state of education and other sectors of society. We took initiatives in reviewing the K-12 programs on gender equity, through the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), achieving agreement and implementation of a meaningful measuring of gender equity in the curricular area, using desegregated MEAP scores and school improvement goals, to remedy problem areas. We also work hard to achieve more equitable representations of the current and historic contributions of women. One vehicle for this would be to rewrite and publish the Women's Book Project brochures under the name of the Michigan Gender Equity Team. We have also helped parents and students file civil rights complaints, using both the Federal Title IX law and the Michigan Eliot Larsen Act, when instances of unequal treatment are raised to us. These are only some of our efforts in trying to bring equity in many spaces.


CEDAW ACTION SITE - The Treaty for the Rights of Women is the most comprehensive international agreement on the basic human rights of women.

CEDAW - The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women.

Women's Studies/Women's Issues Resource Sites - Links to some of the largest feminist link sites available.

US Equity Status -Title IX: 25 Years of Progress Report Michigan Equity Status (194 KB MS Word Document) is a 1997 report by Liz Homer, assessing Michigan equal treatment compliance between 1972 and 1997.

Baha'i Equity Projects - A current and frequently updated listing of projects which the Baha'i Faith is undergoing.

Sociology and Women's Equality Resources -List of numerous web sites related to this topic.